Yes, Chef release day

It’s book release day and I am so excited! It’s strange because I actually wrote this story over a year ago so it feels a bit distant. I’m still proud of it and of myself. It was a story that really grabbed me and I wrote a disturbingly large percentage of it in one go. I never thought I would end up writing something quite like that. It was enjoyable and freeing to do so! I couldn’t have done it without my devoted beta reader and personal cheer leader, CMR who did a quick read of it in less than a day for me! I had a fantastic editor help me through this piece. She was extremely helpful and it was a delight working with her. I would also be remiss if I didn’t thank the ladies of my writing group – Tickled Ink. Your ongoing support is absolutely invaluable.

Please buy my book! It’s a quick, sweet, m/m romance set in a busy Minneapolis kitchen. It contains a May/December couple with a problematic work dynamic, animal rescue programs, lots of delicious food and trans representation! And did I mention I shot the cover image? Because I totally did.

Thank you!



Yes, Chef from Amazon

Yes, Chef from Less Than Three

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