Mythologically Torqued Volume 2 release day

It’s book release day! I’m so thrilled. This is the first thing I’ve published in ten years which is rather intimidating! It’s one of those times where it’s hard to find the words to say what I’m feeling so I’ll keep it short. The anthology collection is available from Torquere Press and  Amazon. You can also get my story by its self on Amazon. I’ve got a special surprise I’ve been working on as well! It’s not quite done yet but I hope to have it done next week.

Thank you to everyone for all your support! Extra thanks to CMR for all her efforts being my personal cheerleader. I’d also like to thank all the ladies of Tickled Ink especially LRD. I could not have done this without you. I believe in you. Lastly, I’d like to thank Torquere Press and my editor for their work on this project and taking a chance on me.


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