Progress is progress

I had two short story anthologies I was working on this past month.

The first one, I totally blew. I thought I would have an easier time working on it than I did and the whole thing sort of fell apart. That’s okay, I realized it wasn’t working for me early on and moved to the second.

That one took off splendidly. I was drawn in quickly and my MC asserted her voice in that way that lets me know we’ll make it through. That isn’t to say it still wasn’t hard – it was. I think I’m still so rusty, that everything is difficult.

I put in the work though and we’re on the second round of edits. I’m feeling pretty good about it and plan to start shopping around once I’m finished.

It’s good to have something that feels like a complete thought. Even when I’m also certain that it’s terrible. Oh hell, it’s terrible, isn’t it? Crap. Well, I’ll keep working on it.


Houdini’s Masquerade art

I finished an illustration for my story, Houdini’s Masquerade. Please enjoy!


Haunted Hotties Volume I

The anthology Haunted Hotties Volume I has been released! My story, Houdini’s Masquerade, is included in this anthology. It’s so exciting! This one went through editing and on to publishing so quickly, it caught me a bit off guard. September and October are really busy for me with my day job. One minute I was updating the “works” page of this site with the cover, and the next – it was available!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this happen! I can’t thank you all enough. Everyone from my support at home to my editor on this project were wonderful. I love working in anthologies and hope to do a few more in the coming year.

Here’s a fun fact: part of my story was inspired by an episode of Drunk History I watched while folding laundry. Yes, really! Remember, inspiration comes from everywhere. I really love Drunk History…

Houdini’s Masquerade was reviewed on Rainbow Book Reviews. It was quite a pleasant surprise!


Haunted Hotties at Torquere

Houdini’s Masquerade at Torquere

Haunted Hotties at Amazon

Houdini’s Masquerade at Amazon

Mythologically Torqued Volume 2 release day

It’s book release day! I’m so thrilled. This is the first thing I’ve published in ten years which is rather intimidating! It’s one of those times where it’s hard to find the words to say what I’m feeling so I’ll keep it short. The anthology collection is available from Torquere Press and  Amazon. You can also get my story by its self on Amazon. I’ve got a special surprise I’ve been working on as well! It’s not quite done yet but I hope to have it done next week.

Thank you to everyone for all your support! Extra thanks to CMR for all her efforts being my personal cheerleader. I’d also like to thank all the ladies of Tickled Ink especially LRD. I could not have done this without you. I believe in you. Lastly, I’d like to thank Torquere Press and my editor for their work on this project and taking a chance on me.


Halloween Anthology 2015

I’m super thrilled to announce that a short story of mine, Houdini’s Masquerade has been picked up for inclusion in Torquere Press’s Haunted Hotties anthology. It’s so exciting! As a card carrying quasi goth, Halloween is close to my heart. When I heard about this anthology call, I knew I had to participate. This is the third story to be picked up for publication this year. More information to come as it is available!

Daphne Cover Reveal

It’s finally cover reveal day! I couldn’t be more thrilled. My short story The Ballad of Daphne and Leucippos is being released in the anthology Mythologically Torqued Volume II by Torquere Press. We have a cover for the anthology itself and a cover for my individual story. It’s a double cover reveal event! Let’s get to it, shall we?



Mythology Anthology – editing finished!

I have finished all the editing on my mythology story for Torquere’s anthology. I’ll have the galley review shortly and then it’s done! Because it’s an anthology of course, I’m not sure where everyone else is in the process. Editing is a lot of work! I may have mentioned that elsewhere… As far as I know, they are still slating our release for August 19th. It’s almost here! I’m so excited I could vomit!