Always room for more

As of today, I have turned in the first round of edits on both stories I have coming out later this year. While it is an absolute relief to have them off my plate (for now) there is still a residual anxiety hovering around. I’ve never been very good at relaxing and it’s quite pronounced today! Once I finished sending off my draft, I very nearly ran out of the Starbucks to get some air!

I’m exceedingly grateful to my writing group friends for tolerating me during the sea of editing crises. Editing my own work is very challenging, even with the assistance of a professional editor. Every time I receive feedback from an editor, I learn something. This time through, the insights were especially helpful. I was even able to apply what I learned from one editor to the change I made on the next piece!

The challenge now is… what to work on next? I’ve done nothing but edit for just over an entire month. I’m itching to do something entirely different, but I hear the call from a mostly finished short story in my documents folder. Only a few changes I could submit it!

I’m also thinking about looking for a few more anthology calls. I’ve found writing for anthologies to be a lot of fun lately!

Of course, what I should do is relax! Maybe just for a few minutes!

Another lonely blogger

As a veteran of the internet, I’m no stranger to blogging. Back in the hay day of livejournal, I was an avid participant. I reveled in the community, the closeness and the honesty.

In the last year, I’ve fallen astray of my livejournal roots. There were a lot of things that came up and prevented me from continuing to engage with my friends in that way. I still miss it. I’ve added many of the friends I made there on other social media and it’s great to be able to keep up with them in a different way.

I’ve started a new venture. In the process of rededicating myself to my art and creative passions, I’ve come to need another blog. Something a bit more public where I can share with everyone what I’m working on and connect in new ways.

Much to my delight, things have been going really well. I have so many amazing projects I’m working on and I can’t wait to share them with you all! I’m writing, drawing and painting more again and I am beyond thrilled. It’s hard to find enough time but I work really hard at it!

I’m following my passions and I couldn’t be happier.